LinkedIn Lead Generation Strategies for 2024

linkedin lead generation strategy

LinkedIn has become an essential platform for professionals and businesses alike, and with the right strategies, it can be a goldmine for generating leads in 2024. But how can you maximize your LinkedIn lead generation efforts to attract quality leads and drive results?

In this blog post, we will explore proven strategies of LinkedIn lead generation, from harnessing the power of Lead Gen Forms to leveraging Sales Navigator and crafting personalized outreach messages. 

Short Summary

  • Maximize LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms for better conversions

  • Create engaging ads with effective call-to-action buttons to boost lead generation efforts

  • Utilize pre-filled forms and redirect members to relevant offers for higher quality leads

  • Prospecting using LinkedIn lead generation tools like can save you 10-12 hours per week

  • Working with LinkedIn marketing agencies are the best way to ensure you run profitable LinkedIn lead generation campaigns.

Maximizing LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms

LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms have become one of the most effective solutions for generating new leads on the platform. By incorporating these forms into Sponsored Content or Sponsored InMail campaigns, you can capture contact information directly from LinkedIn, making it easier for potential leads to engage with your offers. Among various LinkedIn lead generation tools, Lead Gen Forms stand out as a powerful option for marketers.

To maximize the potential of Lead Gen Forms, it’s essential to create engaging ads in lead gen form, utilize pre-filled lead gen forms for better lead gen conversions, and redirect members to relevant offers after they submit a lead gen form.

Creating Engaging Ads with Call-to-Action

Call-to-action (CTA) buttons play a crucial role in lead gen form motivating members to interact with Sponsored Content or Message Ads, leading to higher engagement with lead gen form and generation forms. LinkedIn offers various CTA buttons in lead gen form like Sign Up, Learn More, Download, and Contact Us, which are more effective for lead creation compared to other social media sites.

To create engaging ads with powerful CTAs, consider experimenting with different colors and sizes, utilizing A/B testing, and monitoring performance metrics to identify the most effective strategies. By crafting compelling CTAs, you can encourage members to sign up for your offers or content, ultimately boosting your lead engendering efforts.

Utilizing Pre-filled Forms for Better Conversions

One of the key advantages of LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms is their ability to auto-populate forms with the target’s information, making it easy for members to submit their details. This leads to improved conversion rates and quality leads. The pre-filled information includes name, contact info, company name, seniority, job title, and location.

To optimize your Lead Gen Forms, it’s recommended to include a maximum of 3-4 fields. However, be cautious when including free-response custom questions, as they may result in a 3-4% decrease in submission rates.

By utilizing pre-filled forms, you can streamline the lead creation process and increase the likelihood of conversions, resulting in more qualified leads.

Redirecting Members to Relevant Offers

After a member submits a lead form on the LinkedIn Feed, it’s essential to keep them engaged with your brand by redirecting them to relevant offers or content. When a member submits a form, they are automatically directed to a “thank you” page with a link to the desired destination of the advertiser.

By providing a smooth transition from the form to the next step in the buyer’s journey, you can build relationships with potential customers and increase the chances of conversion.

"Users aged 18 to 24 years constitute 24.7% of LinkedIn’s overall user base. -"

Remember to create a “Thank You” page and offer additional information with various calls-to-action to guide members towards the next step in their journey with your brand.

Effective LinkedIn Lead Generation Strategies

In addition to maximizing the potential of Lead Gen Forms, there are other effective lead generation strategies that can help you dig deeper while attracting and connecting with potential leads. Here, we’ll discuss how optimizing your LinkedIn profile, leveraging Sales Navigator, and crafting personalized outreach messages for ideal audience can contribute to your overall lead engendering success.

"LinkedIn’s audience reach in the U.S. is 85% -"

By implementing these strategies, you can create a solid foundation for your lead engendering efforts and drive results for your business using an effective LinkedIn lead generation strategy.


Optimizing Your LinkedIn Profile

Your LinkedIn profile is your digital business card, and optimizing it is the first step to achieving success with LinkedIn prospecting. A well-optimized LinkedIn profile can effectively position you as an authoritative figure in the industry, attracting ready-to-convert leads.

To make your LinkedIn profile stand out, ensure it includes a professional photo, a compelling headline, and a detailed summary that highlights your expertise.

In addition, keep your company’s LinkedIn Page up-to-date with relevant information such as business description, logo, website URL, and industry. By maintaining a consistent brand presence on your LinkedIn profiles, you can generate leads by establishing credibility, targeting the right audience, and building trust with potential leads.

Leveraging Sales Navigator

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a powerful tool designed to help sales team professionals build relationships with the right prospects and generate sales. By utilizing the advanced search filters of Sales Navigator, you can find and target potential customers with greater precision.

Some of the available filters include job title, your job title, Job function, company size, and industry, allowing you to create hyper-targeted LinkedIn ads audiences.

Additionally, LinkedIn Sales Navigator offers features like InMail, which enables you to send personalized messages to prospects even if you’re not connected. By leveraging LinkedIn Sales Navigator, you can do website retargeting and streamline your lead generation email marketing efforts and connect with the right audience for your business.

Crafting Personalized Outreach Messages

Personalized outreach messages are essential for establishing relationships with potential leads and converting them into customers. To create effective outreach messages, begin by researching your next target market and matched audiences and understanding their needs, interests, and goals. Then craft personalized messages that address those needs and offer value to the recipient.

Emphasize mutual connections or interests to build rapport and establish trust with your prospects. By crafting personalized outreach messages that resonate with your competitor's audience already, you can build lasting connections and drive results for your business.

Harnessing LinkedIn Ads for Lead Generation

LinkedIn Ads are another powerful tool for lead creation, offering various ad formats such as Sponsored Content, Message Ads, and Dynamic Ads.

By harnessing LinkedIn Ads, you can reach your target audience more effectively than on other social sites, thanks to LinkedIn’s professional context and user data.

In this section, we’ll explore how different ad formats and A/B testing can boost your lead generation efforts and help you reach your goals.

Exploring Different Ad Formats

Experimenting with different ad formats can help you identify the most effective format for your target audience. LinkedIn offers various ad formats, including Sponsored Content, Message Ads, Dynamic Ads, and carousel ads. Each format has its own unique benefits and can be utilized to achieve different objectives.

"LinkedIn ads with a single, large image see 38% higher click-through rates (CTRs) -"

For example, Sponsored Content can help increase brand awareness, while Message Ads can drive direct conversions and lead creation. By testing various ad formats and analyzing their performance, you can optimize your LinkedIn marketing campaigns and drive better results.


Boosting Ad Performance with A/B Testing

A/B testing is a valuable method for improving ad performance and identifying the most effective ad copy, images, and targeting options. By comparing different versions of your ads and analyzing their performance, you can identify the factors that contribute to higher engagement and conversion rates.

For a campaign manager for example, you can test different ads images or copy, audience segments, or ad placements to determine which combination delivers the best results.

By consistently testing and optimizing your ads, you can enhance their performance and achieve better results for your lead generation efforts.

LinkedIn Groups and Networking

LinkedIn groups and networking can be powerful tools for generating leads and building connections with potential customers business partners. By joining industry-relevant groups, engaging in discussions, showcasing your thought leadership, and connecting with like-minded professionals, you can expand your network and access valuable leads.

In this section, we’ll discuss how to utilize LinkedIn groups account based marketing and networking to grow your business.

Joining Industry-Relevant Groups

Finding and joining industry-relevant LinkedIn Networks. In groups, you can provide a platform to share valuable content, engage in discussions, and connect with potential leads. To identify relevant groups, use the search bar on LinkedIn or explore the “Groups You May Like” feature to discover groups related to your interests.

"LinkedIn Message ads with Lead Gen Forms can generate up to 4 times more leads -"

Once you’ve joined a LinkedIn or Facebook group, participate in discussions by asking questions, responding to other members’ posts, and providing your own insights. By actively engaging in these groups, you can showcase your expertise, build credibility, and foster relationships with potential leads.


Building Connections through Networking

Networking is crucial for building connections and generating leads on other platforms besides LinkedIn. To effectively network, interact with your audience by sending connection request, responding to comments, answering questions, and providing useful advice.

Additionally, create and share content that is relevant to your company page target audience to demonstrate your expertise and provide value. By consistently engaging with your audience, creating content and building relationships, you can generate more leads and grow your business.

Integrating LinkedIn Lead Generation with CRM and Marketing Automation

Integrating LinkedIn lead generation with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and marketing automation tools can help you manage leads more efficiently and streamline your marketing efforts.

By syncing your leads with your website visitors' own CRM system or marketing automation system, you can ensure that you’re promptly following up with users through campaigns and other means like LinkedIn inbox and eventually enhancing the lead generation process.

"Purchase intent increases by 33% when marketers run ads on LinkedIn -"

Additionally, using automation tools like LinkedIn Sales Navigator, AeroLeads, Expandion, Dux-Soup, and Zopto can save time and boost your productivity, allowing you to focus on building relationships and closing deals.

Analyzing and Optimizing Your Lead Generation Campaigns

Analyzing and optimizing your lead generation campaigns is essential for achieving success on LinkedIn. By accessing key metrics in LinkedIn Campaign Manager and implementing best practices for optimization, you can continuously improve your campaigns and drive better results.

In this section, we’ll discuss how to access key metrics in Campaign Manager and implement best practices in depth analytics for optimizing your lead generation campaigns.

Accessing Key Metrics in Campaign Manager

Monitoring key metrics in the Linked Campaign Manager dashboard allows you to measure the success of your lead generation campaigns and identify areas for improvement. The campaign manager reporting dashboard provides insights into important performance metrics such as total leads, form completion rate, and cost per call lead creation strategy.

"82% of B2B marketers say they’ve realized their greatest successes on LinkedIn -"

By reporting accurately tracking these metrics, you can gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of your campaigns and make data-driven decisions to optimize your lead creation efforts.

Implementing Best Practices for Optimization

Enhance your lead generation ad campaigns by adopting optimal strategies, such as utilizing compelling ad images and copy, ensuring message consistency, and incorporating clear calls-to-action. A/B testing can further refine your approach, enabling continuous optimization for improved performance. Regular analysis and adherence to these practices on LinkedIn will elevate your lead generation efforts and drive greater success.


In conclusion, LinkedIn offers a wealth of opportunities for lead generation in 2024. By maximizing LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms, implementing effective lead generation strategies, harnessing LinkedIn Ads, and utilizing groups and networking, you can drive results and grow your business.

Integrating your lead generation efforts with CRM and LinkedIn lead generation tools can streamline your processes and ensure you’re effectively managing and nurturing new leads everywhere. With these proven strategies of LinkedIn lead engendering in your arsenal, you’re well-equipped to unlock the full potential of LinkedIn and propel your business to new heights. 



Frequently Asked Questions

How do you generate leads on LinkedIn?

To generate leads on LinkedIn, optimize your LinkedIn profile, ensure your executives maintain a strong presence on social platform, post relevant content, join groups, and consider automation.

What is LinkedIn lead generation?

LinkedIn Lead Generation Forms allow advertisers to collect leads from their ads, and come pre-filled with contact information. They offer best practices for creating the forms, including selecting three to four fields to use.

These fields should be relevant to the advertisement, and should be kept to a minimum to ensure a smooth user experience. Additionally, it’s important to consider the user’s privacy when collecting data.

Is LinkedIn good for generating leads?

LinkedIn is a powerful tool for lead engendering, with an impressive 900 million users across 200 countries. Studies have shown it to be 277% more effective than Facebook or Twitter at generating B2B leads and has a visitor-to-lead conversion rate of 2.74%.

It’s no wonder 80% of B2B leads come from the platform.

How much does LinkedIn lead generation cost?

Linked.Lead generation typically costs between $2000 and $7000 per month, depending on your target audience, campaign objectives, and other factors.

What are LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms?

LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms are an effective way to capture contact information directly from LinkedIn, making them a great tool for generating leads through Sponsored Content or Sponsored InMail campaigns.

These forms allow you to collect contact information from LinkedIn users who are interested in your product or service, and can be used to build a list of qualified leads for future campaigns. They are easy to set up and can be used to capture leads from a variety of sources.

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